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Spectrum Consulting Inc. specializes in supporting students in their school through Relationship Development Intervention (RDI). This is achieved by implementing the following:


-Emotional referencing: helping your child with the ability to learn from the emotional and subjective experiences of others through peers.

-Social coordination: helping your child observe and control behavior to successfully participate in social relationships and interactions.

-Declarative language: helping your child use both language and non-verbal communication to express curiosity, invite interactions, share perceptions & feelings, and coordinate with others.

-Flexible thinking: helping your child adapt and alter plans as circumstances change

-Relational information processing: helping your child put things into context and solve problems that lack clear-cut solutions.

-Foresight and hindsight: helping your child anticipate future possibilities based on past experiences.

  1. Class Modifications, Within the classroom we work as a team to develop adaptations to the curriculum for the success of the student

  2.  Individual behavioral plan, based on your child's unique needs; reports, recorded data

  3. Developing goals and objectives for your child's IEP and annual review

  4. Training:

        a. The use of seclusion and physical restraint in schools

        b. Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) to ensure the safety of your child and his/her peers.

        c. RDI- facilitating RDI principles

        d. RPM- monthly training with RPM providers

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