Teachers/ instructors will focus on integrating RDI principles which will provide opportunities for campers to improve communication, increase competence, enhance regulation, and build relationships. These will be taught through creative expression, art, music and community outings. Camp staff will make sure campers have all the necessary needs before heading out for community outings. This may include food stores, shopping, restaurants, community garden maintenance, along with weekly trips to other communities pertaining to the theme of the week. Each day the children will arrive and start off with a sensory movement warm-up game, incorporating regulation and co-regulation activities with peers. There will be a lesson taught and a scheduled outing depending on the theme for the week.
In addition, CBI (Community Based Instruction) is incorporated in our social skills lessons. Each week a theme will be the focus of the skills needed to learn within the community. For example, buying the ingredients that are needed to make a snack/ lunch. First we look up the ingredients that we need to buy when we go to the supermarket. Once in the supermarket staff explains to the campers that they are set up the same way with produce on one side and frozen within the isles. Teaching them the importance to look up at the signs within the store, to find the food objects to complete their list. If they are unable to find something, problem solving and finding someone to ask. Putting the objects within the cart, onto the belt, paying and bagging, are everyday community life skills that we teach our campers each week. After buying the food, come back to camp and where does it go? Shelf, freezer or refrigerator, etc.The following day we will take out the recipe, go into the kitchen and acquire all the materials to cook what was bought the day before. This is just ONE example of our CBI camp activities while incorporating RDI skills.
*Recommended up tp 14 years old*